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All-Natural Holiday Turkey Breast

Lobel's of New York is proud to offer our All-Natural Thanksgiving Turkey Breasts are available for your holiday celebrations.

Please note, All-Natural Thanksgiving Turkey Breasts are not eligible for any discounts.
(7 lb.) All-Natural Turkey Breast (frozen) $94.9500


Lobel's of New York is proud to offer our All-Natural Thanksgiving Turkey Breast for this holiday season. These unique, all-natural, free-range, antibiotic-free (ABF) breasts are shipped absolutely fresh—delivered overnight to your door, ready for your holiday preparations.

Raised humanely on farms in New Jersey, these birds come from a cross of heritage turkeys bred so they are broad-breasted and yield the moistest and most flavorful turkey you can imagine. All turkeys are allowed to roam free and are fed a 100% vegetarian diet. Throughout their life span in the hatchery, these turkeys are raised humanely, and are never administered antibiotics, steroids or growth stimulants of any kind. Any birds that, because of illness, require treatment are separated from the flock.

Shelf Life
Kept in its original vacuum-sealed packaging, your fresh turkey from Lobel's will keep in your refrigerator for up to 10 days.

Visit our Turkey FAQ page for more information.

Estimate 1 to 1.25 pounds of fresh turkey breast per person if you don't want leftovers, and estimate about 1.5 pounds per person if you want leftovers.




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