Press Clippings: The Short Porch Podcast

The Short Porch Podcast

Jump to The Short Porch Episode 121: RIP to the 2019 Red Sox  | Jump to The Short Porch Episode 123: Mets Fans Are An Embarrassment To New York Baseball  | Jump to The Short Porch Episode 125: Let Brett Bang  | Jump to The Short Porch Episode 127: Judgement Week in Hollywood  

Listen or read along as our friends Tommy & Hubbs from The Short Porch Podcast give a shout out to Lobel's! Next, stop by Lobel's Carving Station at Yankee Stadium to try our world-famous menu including a delicious sandwich or steak-topped fries while watching your favorite team. 


The Short Porch Episode 121: RIP to the 2019 Red Sox

37:44 [HUBBS] You know I am really hungry though, and I wish there was one thing in front of me. You know what that is?

37:49 [TOMMY] Can I guess?

37:50 [HUBBS] Yeah what’s your fav..well I’ll give you a hintit’s late, I’ll give you a hint: What is your favorite thing to eat at New York Yankee Stadium?

37:57 [TOMMY] There’s one thing I eat there, and it’s a Lobel’s Steak Sandwich. Or you know what, that’s not true. I won’t only eat a Lobel’s Steak Sandwich, I’ll also eat their Steak Topped Fries.

38:07 [HUBBS] Dude, there is nothing like Lobel’s. Lobel’s, when I came to the stadium as a kid, it started in 2009, we would go…and I was a kid, I guess what was I 16? Whatever, still a kid considering where I’m at now. Me and my dad, we would come early. We wouldn’t come to watch VP. We’d get in line at Lobel’s when it was just one stand. And we knew where it was down that third-base line.

38:32 [TOMMY] Yup.

38:33 [HUBBS] And it was just the secret spot to us it seemed like. You know there was always a line, but you’d wait in it, you’d get you sandwiches, you’d go to the game. It was just ait’s part of going to Yankee Stadium for me was Lobel’s. And it’s just a tradition like no other. Lobel’s isLobel’s is unbelievable, it’s the best steak ever.

Lobel’s has been a fixture at the stadium since it was built in 2009. They’re back again this year rated #1 in the official Yankee Stadium Dining Guide. That’s pretty good because they have a lot of food at Yankee Stadium. #1 in the Dining Guide, who else is well-deserved? They’ve got their famous USDA Prime Steak Sandwich, as well as their new Classic Meatloaf Burger, USDA Prime Burger, Hickory Molasses Glazed Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and epic Steak and Potato Fries as you were just talking about.

39:10 [TOMMY] Yup.

39:11 [HUBBS] Those potato fries god damn.

39:12 [TOMMY] Oh the gravy and the onionswhew!

39:14 [HUBBS] The au ju, it’s like they have like no one can recreate that au ju. You can find them, like I said, in the stadium at section 133. They’re also, you can see the butchers cutting the meat in a butcher shop for use in the stadium. Lobel’s is America’s #1 family of master butchers. The 4th, 5th, and 6th generations of the family currently work at the corner butcher shop on Madison Avenue at 82nd Street in Manhattan. By the way, shout out Brian Lobel, another big fan of the show and everything we do here. Brian, you’re the man! We hung out with you a little bit before the game.

Lobel’s they sell only the finest quality meats. Carefully selected from the top 2% of USDA Prime grade beef and dry-aged to perfection in their patented dry-aging coolers.

You can also buy them online. And if you can’t make it to the game and you want some Lobel’s, like I feel like everyone should. You can buy them online and they ship nationwide. Everything is shipped fresh, not frozen, don’t even think they’re going to ship that frozen Lobel’s is fresh as can be, by FedEx overnight service.

And it’s the same amazing meat you’re gonna get right in the stadium. That flavor comes from over 175 years of family expertise in the meat industry. And you can enjoy it every night in your home.

I mean, I cannot think of a better thing to have for dinner than Lobel’s.

There’s a special offer for Yankee fans out there, we’re obviously talking about a lot of you, they’re gonna hook you up with a deal just because we are who we are and we appreciate Lobel’s more than anybody.


I got so hungry reading that order.

40:57 [TOMMY] Yup.

40:58 [HUBBS] We shouldn’t have read that order…reading that whole script there because I am so hungry right now.

41:04 [TOMMY] This is such a perfect– it’s such a perfect ad deal because I love Lobel’s. We would just give Lobel’s free plugs really like all the time anyways so now it’s like, you know, I’m mad now official ad deal. It’s all kidding aside, the best thing to eat in the stadium. Yankee fans you go, you go to the game, if you somehow have not tried it or if you know, you’re only going to your first game or you’ve only been to a few games #1 thing to eat is Lobel’s. Get the steak sandwich, have someone get some steak fries and split it you wont regret it. And again, order to butcher. You should try it.

41:30 [HUBBS] I got a few DM’s from people coming from out of town for the first time to Yankee Stadium and they’re like “what should I eat? What’s my go-to thing?” Because obviously Yankee Stadium has a lot of good food. I tell them Lobel’s every time. Someone went tonight, they DM’ed me they go “You killed it. I mean you crushed it." Lobel’s is easily the #1 thing to have. So, hit up Lobel’s, order Lobel’s, and let’s eat the right way: like champions. [42:05]


The Short Porch Episode 123: Mets Fans Are An Embarrassment To New York Baseball

47:11 [HUBBS] Let’s wrap this up, we’re going to DM’s here. Right before we go to DM’s I gotta talk to you guys about my favorite food in the entire world. It’s–this is so unfair when we do these ad reads because when we’re in studio it’s usually recorded around 1 o’clock, lunch time, and now I’m approaching dinner time and fucking Lobel’s man–they’re too good!

Lobel’s has been a fixture of the stadium since it was built in 2009. It was basically a tradition of me and my dad’s, we’d go to Lobel’s before every game. You know, we’d get to the stadium early, not to see batting practice but to get in line at Lobel’s. Now they’re all over the place at the stadium.

They’re back again this year rated #1 by the official Yankee Stadium Dining Guide. They got their famous USDA Prime Steak Sandwich that I would make love to if I could. They’ve got their new Classic Meat Loaf Burger, gotta try that one out. The USDA Prime Burger, that is fantastic. The Hickory Molasses Glazed Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and your favorite Tommy, the epic Steak and Potato Fries–they’re so good.

You can find them in the stadium at Section 133 or you can also see the butchers cutting meat in the butcher shop for use in the stadium. Lobel’s is America’s #1 family of master butchers. The 4th, 5th, and 6th generation of the family currently work at the corner butcher shop on Madison Avenue at 82nd Street in Manhattan. Shout out Brian Lobel.

They sell only the finest quality meats. Carefully selected from the top 2% of USDA Prime grade beef and dry-aged to perfection in their patented dry-aging coolers.

You can also buy from them online, which I’ve just started to do, and they ship nationwide. Everything is shipped fresh, not frozen, by FedEx overnight service.

And it’s the same amazing meat that you’re eating right at the stadium. That flavor comes from over 175 years of family expertise in the meat industry. And you can enjoy them right in your home. Buddy, I’m moving to the city in October, beginning of October, October 1 I’m a city man. And I’m not gonna be shopping at random grocery stores ever, I’m eating Lobel’s every single night.


The best steak in the god damn world. Lobel’s, love you boys. [49:40]


The Short Porch Episode 125: Let Brett Bang

49:56 [HUBBS] We’ll do DM’s, by the way whenever like people go to games now they just DM me like “I’m going to Lobel’s, I’m trusting your word” and then about a half hour later I get a DM back from them like “That was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life…”

50:08 [TOMMY] Yeah.

50:10 [HUBBS] “…Lobel’s is amazing!” and that’s no bullshit people literally are obsessed with it. And also using the side entrance thing, people say that’s amazing too because the line does get long and you know, our little cheat code–our life hack, could help you out that way.

So, what is Lobel’s? Well, if you’ve been living under a god damn rock, here’s what it is:

They are a fixture in Yankee Stadium since it was built in 2009. They’re back again this year and rated #1 in the official Yankee Stadium Dining Guide. With their famous USDA Prime Steak Sandwich, as well as their new Classic Meat Loaf Burger–someone told me they had the Meat Loaf Burger at the game and said it’s fantastic. Um, they’ve got the USDA Prime Burger, Hickory Molasses Glazed Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and epic Steak and Potato Fries.

You can find them in the stadium at Section 133 or you’ll also see the butchers cutting the meat in the butcher shop for use in the stadium. The Lobel’s are America’s #1 family of master butchers. They’re kind of just America’s #1 family just in general, not just master butchers. The 4th, 5th, and 6th generation of the family currently work at their corner butcher shop on Madison Avenue at 82nd Street in Manhattan.

They sell only the finest quality meats. Carefully selected from the top 2% of USDA Prime grade beef and dry-aged to perfection in their patented dry-aging coolers.

You can also buy them online and they ship nationwide. Everything is shipped fresh, not frozen, by FedEx–not frozen–and they’re shipped by FedEx overnight service. And it’s the same amazing meat that you’re gonna find right in the stadium.

When you’re eating it and its just melting in your mouth, that’s just amazing.

That flavor comes from over 175 years of family expertise in the meat industry. And you–listen right now–you can enjoy this right in your home.



The Short Porch Episode 127: Judgement Week in Hollywood

41:59 [HUBBS] I am so hungry right now. I didn’t eat dinner ‘cause I had a late night on Friday, Saturday I was hungover all day, Sunday I eat like one thing earlier in the day so it’s 11 o’clock, I just– I have to go make dinner after this. But here it goes, Lobel ad read and it’s just making me miserable because I’m so fucking hungry, all I want is a Lobel’s Sandwich.

42:17 *sigh* Lobel’s–

42:18 [TOMMY] Retweet

42:19 [HUBBS] Lobel’s has been a fixture at the stadium since it was built in 2009. It’s the best thing that ever happened to Yankee Stadium. They’re back again this year rated #1 in the official Yankee Stadium Dining Guide. With their famous USDA Prime Steak Sandwich–I can’t even say that without like tearing up.  As well as their new Classic Meat Loaf Burger, USDA Prime Burger, Hickory Molasses Glazed Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and epic Steak and Potato Fries.

You can find them in the stadium at Section 133 or you’ll also see the butchers cutting meat in the butcher shop for use in the stadium. The Lobel’s are America’s #1 family of butchers– of master butchers. The 4th, 5th, and 6th generation of the family currently work at their corner butcher shop on Madison Avenue at 82nd Street in Manhattan.

They sell only the finest quality meats. Carefully selected from the top 2% of USDA Prime grade beef and dry-aged to perfection in their patented dry-aging coolers.

You can also buy them online and they ship nationwide. Everything is shipped fresh, not frozen, by FedEx overnight service. And it’s the same amazing meat of course that you’re gonna be eating right in the stadium.

That flavor comes from over 175 years of family expertise in the meat industry. And you can enjoy it right now in your home.


Please do it right now. [43:48}



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